• Slowly waking up. I really needed that lie-in.
  • Listening to the sound of rain lashing outside our bedroom window.
  • Wondering why we’d waited until the weekend to enjoy a BBQ. Good old British weather!
  • Heading downstairs for a cup of tea.
  • Curling up on the sofa in front of Lilo & Stitch.
  • Eating a toasted bagel for breakfast.
  • Batch cooking for the freezer. Mr L.A. is off on a long work trip in a couple of weeks and I’m trying to be my future friend. We made sweet potato chilli and chickpea curry.
  • Working on a little DIY. There are still a few niggly jobs left to finish off in the laundry room.
  • Helping Izzy make a batch of chocolate chip cookies.
  • Eating warm Linda McCartney sausage rolls for lunch.
  • Sipping blood orange gin*.
  • Making chilli tofu for dinner.
  • Feeling as if I’d spent all day in the kitchen.
  • Sending Jesse off to bed.
  • Enjoying an episode of Queer Eye with Izzy.
  • Making a start on Self-Made, a show inspired by the life of Madam C.J. Walker, the first female self-made millionaire.
  • Laughing through a few episodes of Schitt’s Creek before collapsing into bed.
  • Waking up far too early
  • Drinking lots of tea and watching Better Feed Phil. Jesse loves cooking shows and foodie TV.
  • Deciding we would BBQ whatever the weather.
  • Sending Carl off to Asda for supplies.
  • Munching on sourdough toast and marmite for breakfast.
  • Prepping salads {potato and everyday green}, assembling kebabs and marinading meat.
  • Dodging rain showers while we grilled.
  • Eating too much.
  • Finding just enough room for a bowl of fresh stawberries and vegan squirty cream.
  • Hanging up wet laundry.
  • Watching Into the Unknown on Disney+ while Carl and Jesse played chess.
  • Having a quick game of Throw Throw Burrito*. It’s so much fun!
  • Looking forward to a long, hot soak in the tub with my new bath salts {a kind gift from my lovely client and friend, Becky Lord Design}.
  • Wishing I didn’t have a meal plan and online grocery shop to complete before bed.

Love Audrey xxx

P.S. Links marked with an asterisk are affiliate which means I’ll make a few pennies if you make a purchase.

P.P.S. A retro weekend from the beginning of lockdown {i.e. a lifetime ago}.

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