My summer has mainly been spent…

My summer has mainly been spent…

Wrapping up some big projects while Jesse spent a couple of weeks with Carl’s parents in Derby. Teetering dangerously close to burnout before taking some much needed time off. Packing Jesse off to Cornwall with a friend. They stayed with my aunt and uncle near...
How to Make a Travel Scrapbook

How to Make a Travel Scrapbook

Day trips, mini breaks and holidays are my favourite things to document. Capturing travel memories is how I was first introduced to scrapbooking as a child and it remains a huge passion of mine. When the children were little, I used to help them create travel...
Going {a Little Bit} Viral

Going {a Little Bit} Viral

Something very unexpected happened in March. An Instagram reel I shared went {a little bit} viral. Here are the stats almost four weeks after it was originally posted.. At the time of writing, the number of views has jumped up again, surpassing 250K. I’m well...

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