Hello 2024

Hello 2024

I’ve been writing a version of this post since 2010. Even in the midst of a global pandemic, I’ve always been able to reflect and find something positive to share despite the chaos. This January, it should be an easy task. 2023 was a great year for us as a family. Of...
Navigating the Ebbs and Flows

Navigating the Ebbs and Flows

At the beginning of the September, I hadn’t booked any new work since April. I’d finished my last big project in early August, and I had nothing in my diary {excluding my retainer clients} for the rest of the year. Fast forward to the end of the month. I’d booked...
The Summer I Turned 40

The Summer I Turned 40

I always planned to write about turning 40. I even scribbled down some notes at the beginning of the year, thinking I’d eventually turn them into some kind of long-read. I had visions of it going live on my birthday, capturing exactly how I was feeling as I reached...
When am I Going to Write a Book?

When am I Going to Write a Book?

When are you going to write a book, Franky?’ my father-in-law asked, raising his voice above the noise of the theatre bar. I took a sip of my gin and tonic. ‘Oh, I don’t know, Paul, soon,’ I replied, playfully batting the idea away with my free hand. ‘I’m serious. You...

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