Frequently Asked
What is a copywriter?
Given the number of times my own family ask this question, I really should have a well-rehearsed answer by now! Truth is, it can be tricky to define.
In simple terms, being a copywriter means I work with words. Unlike fiction writers or journalists, my main goal when writing is usually to fulfil a client’s brief. This can be promoting a product, educating an audience or demonstrating expertise. Either way, I have to adapt my style and tone from one project to the next, depending on who I’m writing for and the intended reader.
Copywriters wear a lot of hats. Although words are my main output, I also spend a lot of time doing research, conducting interviews, editing, proofreading, sourcing images and planning marketing campaigns.
What do copywriters write?
Blog posts, emails, social media posts, case studies, web copy, brochures… the list goes on! Take a look at my Copywriting Services for more information.
Why are words so important anyway?
Every single business, without exception, needs
All I need is a catchy tagline/short bio, can you help?
Definitely. No copywriting project is too big OR too small. In fact, I get a bit of a kick out of teeny tiny character limits!
Is there anything you can’t {or won’t} write?
I love a challenge and my research skills are solid, so I’m confident I can write almost anything. That said, projects requiring detailed technical knowledge or lots of industry jargon probably don’t play to my strengths.
Can you check my spelling and grammar?
Of course! Proofreading and polishing copy is one of my favourite pastimes. As well as checking for errors, I’ll tidy up stray words and ensure your text makes sense.
I need help writing my blog, but I don’t want my readers to know. What should I do?
You need a ghostwriter. Don’t worry, it’s not as spooky as it sounds! I’m happy to forgo my byline and anonymously author
Can you recommend someone to design my website?
Becky Lord Design is my go-to for branding and web design. We’ve been collaborating since 2014 and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her services.
I think I’d like to be a copywriter too. Can you tell me how you did it?
I’ve written a blog post on the subject here. If you want to discuss anything in more detail, send me an email and I’ll do my best to help.
You seem to know a bit about being a freelance writer, will you mentor me?
I’ll definitely consider it! Get in touch and we’ll figure out whether my knowledge and experience are a good fit for your needs.
I’m confused! If your name’s Franky, who’s Audrey?
Audrey is a ‘nom de plume’, a digital identity inspired by the style and elegance of my ultimate idol, Audrey Hepburn. It’s been my online moniker since 2009, so I’m used to the confusion and rarely correct people when they get my name wrong in emails and tweets!