Clearly, I fail miserably at posting my monthly favourites.

However, I’m very good at writing about the things I’m loving on a whim, whenever the mood takes me and in a fairly random manner…I switched up my skincare routine recently, indulging in some beautiful ESPA products, and I’ve been itching to tell you how much I’m enjoying them.

I’ve used the Hydrating Cleansing Milk and Floral Spafresh before (in fact, you can read my original review here). I loved them and they really did magical things to my skin… softening, hydrating and keeping it perfectly clear. I lovingly used every last drop of both products and then promptly realised that the local salon I had purchased them from had ceased to stock the brand. I half-heartedly searched for an online retailer and then was obviously distracted by something shiny and new.

But I’ve never forgotten how amazing my skin was for the 8-9 months that I used these beauties. You can imagine my joy when I stumbled across another local salon that offers ESPA treatments and stocks a wide range of their products as a result.

Last weekend I treated myself to the ‘Lifesaving Back Treatment’ and a ‘Rebalancing Facial’ (read more about the treatments here). Both were excellent, I left the salon feeling wonderfully relaxed and the benefits to my skin were obvious in the days that followed.

I always intended to repurchase the cleanser and toner but I was also tempted by a travel sized Refining Skin Polish after experiencing it during my facial. Having used it a few times at home since, I can safely say that it is the best facial exfoliator I’ve ever used. The grains that provide the scrubbing action are so incredibly fine, I mean mind-blowingly fine, and my skin is left smoother than I’ve ever felt it. I mix a very tiny amount of the polish with the cleansing milk to use it and the whole thing is very pleasurable. These products all smell amazing, feel amazing during application and leave my skin comfortable, soft and smooth.

Now, if only I could shift the hormonal/stress related breakout on my jawline I’d feel pretty damn good about my skin.
Because I prefer to wash my face during my morning shower I’ve also reintroduced Lush’s Angels on Bare Skin to my skincare routine. I’ve used this product sporadically for the last 10 years and whenever I return to it I’m instantly reminded of how fabulous it is.

A blend of ground almonds and lavender and rose essential oils, this cleanser balances, softens and calms my skin. At first you may find the method of use and texture unusual as you need to mix a tiny amount of the paste with some water to create a milky non-foaming face wash. As you smooth it over your skin it gives a very delicate scrub (I’d hardly even call it a scrub really, it’s just that the texture isn’t smooth). The scent is heavenly too, making it a real pleasure to use.This is my current perfume du jour. I think it was the first hint of Spring that had me reaching for my bottle of YSL Parisienne. I really love how this smells layered with Lush’s Vanilla Deelite body lotion, good enough to eat.

Tried any new skincare lately ladies? What perfume are you hooked on at the moment?

Loveaudrey xxx

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