The Perfect Shower ~ A Tale In Reviews

My alarm goes off at 6am. It’s one of those irritating ones on a mobile phone. The kind that is so shrill the only way you’ll ever wake is with a start and an uncomfortable feeling of confused horror. I could sleep later but I enjoy the peace that waking...

Products I’m using Right Now

I haven’t done one of these in aaaaaages. In fact the most recent I can find is from April of last year! I’m really enjoying some of the bits and pieces I’m using to beautify myself with at the moment so I figure I may as well share… Shampoo:...

Things I’m Loving Right Now

Clearly, I fail miserably at posting my monthly favourites. However, I’m very good at writing about the things I’m loving on a whim, whenever the mood takes me and in a fairly random manner…I switched up my skincare routine recently, indulging in...

Meet my new best friend…

If you’re anything like me, dry body brushing is one of those things that you’ve heard about and probably read about but simply never bothered with. You’re well aware of all the supposed benefits but however much you want to get your body well and...

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