This weekend felt sufficiently autumnal for me to finally accept that summer’s last days are probably behind us for another year. On Saturday morning I optimistically slipped on a pretty sundress, but as the clear blue skies clouded over and the air grew colder, I found myself snuggled under a blanket on the sofa, watching Bedknobs and Broomsticks while drinking a mug of hot chocolate topped with mini marshmallows.

We’ve had a funny old summer. When the children broke up from school and nursery six weeks ago, we thought we were just days away from moving house. We begun packing in earnest, clearing cupboards and boxing up everything non-essential. When things didn’t quite go according to plan, we resigned ourselves to living in a sort of limbo with half the house ready to ship at a moments notice, and half trying to carry on as normal. I am so grateful for the abundance of sunshine that has allowed us to escape the chaos on an almost daily basis.
Diasy Chains Daisies

We didn’t have a holiday and I’ve managed without a stitch of childcare all summer, waking early before the children each morning, ploughing through emails and writing until I heard tiny footsteps in the hallway outside. It’s been exhausting, but I’m thankful for the time we’ve spent together. We’ve definitely made a few more memories to take with us when we go.Ice CreamIce Cream

Buying and selling a house is expensive. Finding cheap and interesting ways to entertain the children has been a challenge, but in their own unique way, Isabel and Jesse have reminded me that summer holidays don’t have to be about expensive overseas trips or grand days out to every attraction in the South West. We’ve enjoyed a few simple pleasures like water play in the sunshine, blowing bubbles on the street outside and practicing for hours with the skipping rope.  Water PlayWater Play Bubbles Skipping Jesse in the Sun

Although the photographs might paint an idyllic picture, it hasn’t all been perfect. The children have become masters at the great art of squabbling and I’ve longed for some precious time to myself. Surrounded by boxes and mess, I’ve felt claustrophobic and uninspired. My busy schedule has left no time for creativity and I’ve really missed writing for pleasure.

All that aside, we’ve managed to have plenty of fun… Funny Face

Life is still in a state of flux. We’re yet to exchange contracts and the children remain without school places in Bristol. The first days of our autumn will be spent waiting for everything to fall into place.

Love Audrey xxx

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