• Waking up when Jesse wandered into our bedroom.
  • Snuggling beneath the duvet with him.
  • Missing Mr L.A.
  • Creeping downstairs to watch Moana.
  • Laughing out loud as Izzy came dancing into the front room. We’re all very into the film’s soundtrack!
  • Sipping tea.
  • Fixing breakfast for the kids.
  • Jumping in the shower.
  • Pulling on skinny jeans and a crisp white tee.
  • Exchanging some old furniture for a crisp twenty pound note. God bless Facebook selling pages.
  • Coaxing the kids into their clothes.
  • Soaking up the sunshine and feeling very, very happy.
  • Pottering around the house while the children played outside.
  • Applying my makeup.
  • Preparing a picnic lunch to eat in the yarden. Egg mayonnaise sandwiches, a pile of Pringles and slices of apple.
  • Heading out to get my nails done.
  • Running for the bus.
  • Bribing the children with crisps and a drink.
  • Picking out OPI’s Strawberry Marguerita for my mani.
  • Popping into Wilkos.
  • Resisting the urge to spend a small fortune on plants.
  • Slowly walking home in the sunshine.
  • Pouring myself a gin and tonic.
  • Missing Mr L.A. even more.
  • Dancing in the kitchen. You know it’s been a hot day in the UK when The Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff are playing on the radio.
  • Making Mexican Black Beans with Nachos.
  • Smiling at the children’s excitement. ‘Eating dinner outside is such a treat!’ they exclaimed.
  • Putting Jesse to bed.
  • Watching Look Who’s Talking with Izzy.
  • Snacking on Drumstick Squashies. Currently my favourite sweet treat.
  • Collapsing into bed.
  • Repeating the usual wake/snuggle/head downstairs routine with Jess.
  • Watching Moana again. We’re obsessed.
  • Preparing French toast for breakfast.
  • Throwing open all the doors and windows.
  • Tidying and sorting the garage.
  • Digging out the tipi.
  • Putting it up in the yarden.
  • Chuckling as the children came running. It’s still one of the best things we’ve ever bought them.
  • Watching them fill it with cushions, blankets and books.
  • Deep cleaning Jesse’s bedroom.
  • Filling lots of bags to donate to the charity shop.
  • Eating lunch outside.
  • Persuading Izzy to clean the bathroom for me.
  • Tidying our bedroom.
  • Changing the bed sheets.
  • Immediately looking forward to bedtime.
  • Resting on the sofa.
  • Cooking and eating shakshuka.
  • Steam-mopping the kitchen floor.
  • Letting the children watch a movie before bed.
  • Tapping away at my laptop.
  • Looking forward to the first week of the Easter holidays.

Love Audrey xxx


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