China Glaze Purrr-Fect Plum and Chanel Diabolic Nail Polish Tom Ford Black Orchid Oskia Perfect Cleanser REN Clearcalm 3 Clarity Restoring MaskI’m back with a handful of beauty favourites from the last month. As February itself is short and sweet, I’ll keep this blog post brief and to the point. Speed reviews are very much the order of the day.

1. Vampish Nail Polish ~ Spring may have almost sprung, but I’m not quite ready to abandon the moody tones of autumn and winter yet. I’ve been favouring deep, dark manicures this month, switching between Chanel’s Limited Edition Diabolic {a pretender to Rouge Noir’s throne} and a China Glaze shade called Purr-Fect-Plum. To me, short, neat nails painted almost black scream sophistication, which means it’s the perfect look for when I feel anything but.

2. Tom Ford Black Orchid ~ The first time I wore this fragrance properly was my wedding day. It remains my favourite scent, not just because it evokes such precious memories, but because it smells amazing. It’s luxurious and sensual, rich and dark. Refered to as an ‘oriental cyphre’ by fragrance connoisseurs, it contains notes of black truffle, ylang ylang, bergamot, effervescent citrus, blackcurrant, jasmine, lotus wood, patchouli, incense, vetiver, vanilla, balsam and sandalwood. The dark and mysterious notes definitely appeal to my inner glamour-puss and even the most subtle spritz has me feeling all Old Hollywood glamour!

3. Oskia Perfect Cleanser ~ By far my favourite of all the balm cleansers I’ve come across, I’m now on to my second tube of this delicious concoction. My skin is left so soft, clean and comfortable after every use that I can’t see myself straying anytime soon either. You’ll find a more thorough review here, but if you have dry, sensitive skin then I highly recommend you get your hands on a tube. I order mine from Being Content. Oh, and while you’re reading up on skincare you should probably read Caroline Hirons’ cleansing cheat sheet too.

4. REN Clearcalm 3 Clarity Restoring Mask ~ This is the face mask I reach for when my skin feels spotty or a little congested. It purges impurities and leaves my skin deeply cleansed and soft, while also managing to gently soothe and calm. It’s perfect for those of us that have sensitive skin, but still get the odd breakout too. With its medicinal, menthol scent and genius packaging that ensures not a drop is wasted, this product has secured its place in my personal skincare hall of fame.

Have you tried any of these? What beauty products have you been loving this month?

Love Audrey xxx

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