My weekend has mainly been spent…

My weekend has mainly been spent…

Waking up with a teeny tiny hangover. I may have polished off an entire bottle of wine on Friday night. Contemplating the greatness of Dallas Buyers Club, having watched it while drinking the aforementioned wine. Drifting in and out of sleep as I snuggled with Jesse....
Bristol Beginnings ~ One Year On

Bristol Beginnings ~ One Year On

I wonder when we’ll stop calling the new house ‘new’? It’s feels like home now. I think. It’s definitely grown familiar, become part of the patchwork of our lives. We’ve changed so much, yet nothing is finished. Where there’s...
Thirty One

Thirty One

Another year older. Is it really 12 months since I wrote this list of 20 Things I Learnt in my 20s? Apparently so. The first year of my 30s has been fabulous. Terrifying, exhausting, and challenging too, but fabulous nonetheless. Although I entertained the idea of...
My weekend has mainly been spent…

My weekend has mainly been spent…

Waking up at my Mum’s flat in London. Aching all over. I spent Friday night doing my thing as The Wedding Reporter at the Mandarin Oriental in Knightsbridge. In heels. Come Saturday morning, I was just about ready to chop my feet off. Ouch. Discovering there was...

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