Q2 2022 in Review

Q2 2022 in Review

Clearly, I’m a little late posting my review of Q2. I had grand plans to write and share this while I was in Australia at the beginning of July, but I really leaned into the whole ‘summer sabbatical’ thing {more on this in a future post}. Apart from...
My Evening Rhythm

My Evening Rhythm

May was a chaotic month in the Love Audrey household. We navigated another burst ovarian cyst {me}, Covid Round Two {Izzy and Carl}, an emergency dental situation {Carl}, a cancelled trip to Norway and half term. Then, on the first day of June, our car broke down near...
My Life with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

My Life with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Thursday 12th May was World ME Day, a day to focus on learning about, raising awareness of and campaigning around Myalgic Encephalomyeltitis {ME}, sometimes called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome {CFS}. The theme this year was #LearnFromME. Why should you learn from ME?  ...

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